The Power Of Shared Experiences

A Deeper Look At In The Room - With A Stroke Survivor

The day I received the email inviting me to join the "In the Room" project, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of excitement. I knew, deep down, that this was my chance to truly impact the stroke narrative. 

During those intense weeks of preparation, as we delved into a sea of questions from my mailing list, friends, family, and even those generated by AI, I couldn't help but feel the passion growing within me.

It led me to some introspection—why this unwavering dedication to making this project meaningful and impactful?

For me, there are the obvious reasons: 

Being chosen to work closely with the World Stroke Organization is an incredible honour and privilege. It's not just an opportunity to collaborate with a prestigious global organisation; it's a chance to amplify the message of hope.

And partnering with In The Room to create the pilot of the first-ever AI conversational media experience with a stroke survivor! The potential to offer support to stroke survivors and their families through this innovative medium is both an exciting challenge and a profound privilege. 

For those reasons alone – just pinch me!  

But, if I’m honest, my motivation goes deeper.   

This project has the potential to make a profound difference in the lives of many… 

… because it addresses a critical need in stroke recovery support. 

When I asked my husband if he thought that this project would be useful – would he use it? He immediately responded with an emphatic YES! He went on to say that it would have been a guide to get him through those dark days in the beginning when he didn’t have a clue. And, worse than not having a clue, is having no one to ask. 

In The Room provides honest answers to difficult questions, including the uncomfortable ones, to assist stroke survivors and their families who often encounter significant challenges while navigating the complex journey after a stroke.

By providing a safe and accessible space where individuals can interact and engage with a real survivor, In the Room offers a unique and invaluable resource. Having the conversation readily available at the click of a smart device, we make stroke recovery resources, emotional support and guidance available to some of those who might otherwise struggle to find help.

In the Room creates a sense of community and connection among survivors… 

… which can foster support and encouragement. 

For the four and a half years since my stroke, no one understands me like my “strokies”.  I have built a village of supportive women and men who have had the same struggle, and who are committed to seeing me thrive with them. With them, I feel validated and understood.

The power of shared experiences and the guidance of someone who has walked, or is walking, a similar path can be a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. Just knowing that someone is there reminds you that you’re not alone in your journey. They can offer practical insights and emotional support that can be instrumental and, at times, a much needed lifeline. 

And, I want to spread the word far and wide that stroke is an invitation.

I recall a conversation with a close friend a few years ago. To her disbelief, I shared with her my willingness to embrace change after the life-changing experience of my stroke. I even joked that I couldn't imagine how I would have turned out without it, given my former smugness.

I genuinely appreciate the person I've become. I've embraced my post-stroke self wholeheartedly and I think it’s made me a better person. I'm at peace with my journey and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

But, it is work. Hard work. In fact, I have never worked so hard in my professional, relational, or familial life.

My life will never be the same. My children’s lives have been forever altered. And, my husband, bless him – he did not sign up for this. 

After you've survived, especially in the initial stages where medical care is crucial, your choices are limited. However I believe that, as you progress through your recovery journey and regain agency over your life, you can make choices regarding attitude, your approach to therapy, and your determination to adapt to the new circumstances. 

You get to make the choice every day to fight on and to see the stroke as a chance for transformation.  

Together, we can reach and support stroke survivors and their families… 

…with care and meaningful impact.

This partnership carries both a sense of responsibility and excitement, as we realise we're at the forefront of making a real impact in the stroke community. 

With In The Room’s cutting-edge AI technology, The World Stroke Organization’s extensive expertise, and one survivor pitbull, THAT’S why I’m thrilled to be a part of this journey.